Friday, February 8, 2008

PIMP my life.....

isn't that a new sociallly acceptable term to glitz it up? Chelsea does add alot to Hillary's campaign. Look it up in the urban and suburban dictionary. As a parent of a teenager I have been educated as to the acceptance of such a term.."pimp". Now in my days....yes it meant....well we all know. Recently there was a television show about it pimping cars....making them look snazzy. "It doesn't mean what you think it means", is the typical response you can hear from todays teenager. Daniel Webster is no longer alive, and I'm not sure how much chrome they had in his days. I would though like the sensitivity factor be such that we are talking about inanimate objects.
When we use the word in association of wonderful people it can get confusing. So....can we decide what we want to use it for? Or, do we just throw it out there and hope that the "good" meaning of it will always prevail. The anchors comment ..... I must think of the good first. Maybe he just watched a rerun of the television show that talks about pimping our lives. Hmmmm. As my 21 year old son matter which way it isn't a flattering term. SO, Mr. Anchorman, I would apologize and hope that the Clinton family will continue to smile with their success. What does this have to do with wellness? "What you think is what you say. What you say is what you do. What you do is who your are. Who you are is your destiny. Every day, think your way to your destiny." Deanette Schmidt. Are your words the way you want to look like? Go and make a bright and prosperous future for yourself. You deserve it.

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