Friday, January 2, 2009


YES, it is time. Time to allow the green of the earth to reach the cells of your body.

Holistic health is the perfect balance of your medical world. How many times have you heard your doctor say..."I don't know what it is".

How many times has a condition you have all of a sudden exacerbate?

Suggestion...go green. Green with your household cleaners that will reduce your asthma symptoms.
Green with the natural supplementation of your nutrients. Green with the kind of air you breathe.

It's such a natural thing to do....breathe... and have a green environment to make sure the air you breathe is not toxic, and the food supplementation you put in your body is going to your cells...not down the toilet.

Try it. Use green cleaning products for a month...ones that are really the label.
Then the next month, walk down the laundry isle in your local grocery store. What do you smell?
Do you catch your breath with the chlorine?

It's all to encourage the best health for you. Create the best healthcare plan. Own it. It'll be cheaper than missing work or going to the hospital for a preventable event.

My wish for you this year....Good Health....Peace....Love and Joy in your world.

Happy New Year


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