Thursday, November 15, 2007

Doors are opening...

to all the wonderful people like you, like me, who are starting to live in the Land of Blog. Tonight, Jerry Hart, of shared with me the awesome new opportunity that USA Today news has created. Now I really needed a quick electrical shock to passion up my heart of educating people in the holistic realm of health. Wow...if one doesn't take this opportunity...I really don't believe they want to accomplish much in blogging land. Hello everyone, there is double the readers viewing online than with the paper stuff in the hand.

SO...everyone let's party in Google and in the USA Today.

I'm a newbee in the land of blogging and business. It is great to have such a guru at my side and at everyone elses who really want to get serious and share their passion for life.

Everyone is important....Imagine....what would the world be without you.......different.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Breathe in Your Life

Take a deep breath. just lived a positive moment.
How many of those breaths do you take in a day. Let's do the math together. The average of 20 breaths per minute we take so that means 1,200 breaths per hour. Wow...that means I have 28,800 possible, positive moments in the day. You see it is imposible to think a negative thought when you take a deep breath. What if I took an extra one now and then. Would that make a difference in my life. Of course it would because we center ourselves by the breath of life. We create our life by the breaths we breathe. Why...because it is exchanging fresh air into every living cell of our body with the old. Ok, let's try this exercise along with the breaths. Every time you take a breath see how many times you can give yourself a pat on the back or a positive affirmation. Do you think you could create a happier life? I know the answer. Why don't you give it a try and write it down in a journal. Maybe it would be the next best seller.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Helping a four legged friend

....cross the street. No one can tell me one can't communicate with an animal. Tonight I saw a beautiful creature get hit by a car. Deer are plentiful where I live in the suburbs. In fact, I saw this young bucks mother and sister as I drove out of my driveway. The buck of about one year broke his leg. I could tell because the bone was sticking out of his right hind leg. I stopped to call the police and didn't move so traffic wouldn't be so brazen as to scare this little creature further. Once it got into the middle of the road, I pulled up and stared at it and encouraged it to go to the other side in the grass. heart was so wrenched with the pain and frustration this deer was under I started to talk to it. We stared at each other and I just fell in love with the look on his eyes. Yes a different type of love story. One that ended with him going to the other side flopping his body. I pulled up again next to him so he wouldn't cross another street. The police came and told me to move. Pop.
I sponstaneously screamed, though I know it was inevitable for his fate to be shot. As I drove home I cried. This deer pleaded and communicated with me to have his misery ended. When I reached to the top of my driveway his sister was there I know waiting for me.
She didn't run away...just looked at me as if to say thank you for being with her brother, then walked away. Does this sound a little crazy? Maybe so. But I would encourage anyone to take the moment today and appreciate the wonderful creation around you. You will learn much about their life and your own heart. They will teach you what you need to learn, if you let them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Riches of Life

Time has flown by since the last time of sharing. Wow..wonder of wonders when your life is full of wonderful people, wonderful places to go. Taking time to look at people. When was the last time you did that? Flying back and forth from PA to CA has given me alot of time to do that. Waiting in the A or B line of Southwest, sitting next to people who are open to talk about anything. Listening to what is important to them and just cherishing that with them. Isn't that what we all want? Connectiveness to each other in the big wonderful world we live in? That's one of my treasures of life that make me rich.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Friends with a Gift

I received a phone call from CA today, from a friend who just wanted to say hello...Jerry Hart from We chatted over our teleclass we had last week and was just simply enjoying the time. Received another phone call this evening from a friend,
Pamela from We chatted about the future and the exciting things in our lives. Just simple loving chat.

I received 2 wonderful gifts of great importance. Both gave their time and love. It was awesome to me.

In this world that goes so fast...have you stopped to give a little of your love and friendship to someone. You know, you can put a smile on someone's face and bring him/her good health.

Why not try at least once a week calling a friend just because. Just because you care day. That sounds like a National Holiday in the making to me.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Did you ever wait in line....

at the airport and someone get in front of you? What do you do?
It was quite amusing today as I observed mankind pick at each other as to whom was in the A line, B line, and C line. Southwest airlines has a wonderful system of equality. Anyone can sit anywhere depending on how quick they confirm and get in a line. But then there are the Line Busters. It is amusing watching people explore different types of diplomacy to get what they want. The coveted prize of being first on the plane. To this day I haven't seen one given out yet. If you are the first one get to watch everyone glare at you for pushing or camping out with your thermous, food and portable suitcase seats. Too funny. I have to commend Southwest Airlines as the stewards and stewardesses are the most easy going, friendly people around. They have a true nack for holding at bay anyone that tries to spoil the fun of flying. But what is the prize for being first?
We are all going the same direction. We are all flying at the same speed. What is it in human nature that compels such a competition? Does anyone know?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dance with your Dream

I just spent a mere 10 minutes with Pamela Harper of, Thursday night Success Mentoring group.Yes, it is noteworthy. It is always noteworthy to spend time with her. are always inspired. She can make one comment about anything and it can take your mind to a place of turning possibilities into reality. That is what happened to me tonight.What a way to top off an incredible day that I danced with all day.

Did you know you can dance with your dreams. cool that you can feel, and be as free as a butterfly. Such an amazing creature.

So, what do you dance to or with. Does it give you the deep satisfaction, thrill of life you desire, all the time?

My day was a perfect example of making an intention to be totally me..and having the years, and at the same time the moment, come into one focal point of purpose. What was that? The creation of peace, health and prosperity in an individual I was meeting with.


Did you dance with your WOW today? I hope so. Whether you think you did or not. Give yourself a hug....because you know.. you are the WOW. (Wonder of Wonders)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In Memory

9/11 just past. The day we remember that changed the lives of the entire planet. As I prepared for my flight home, on 9/10, I buckled my seat belt and went to turn off my phone reminding me of that day. Thoughts poured into my mind of: this is what many of those passengers did, they called their family one last time, and they quietly sat in their seats just waiting for the plane to take off from a busy airport to get to their next appointment. Sobering. That could of been me or any one of us.

My thoughts then turned to think of the incredible courage to face the terror, and for their families that have kept us remembering such sacrifice. None of us really knows what happened those last few minutes or seconds. We have learned so much of ourselves as individuals and as a nation. With respect and honor to them, if we listen real close to the unseen, I believe we could hear what is still being said: ..."Live in peace,...Live in love, to another."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Preventative Care

Time to put a little physical thought on this blog.

Just learned about an acquainance who has ovarian cancer the size of a football inside. Wow. Sobering news as she is only in her 50's.

Our body talks to us every day of our lives. Have you tuned into it's frequency yet? I know a incredible radio announcer that would be the perfect voice inside to announce what needs our body has. His voice is incredibly energetic and forward speaking. It's a voice that this woman needed.

So many in her group of friends just shun off the thought and action of taking care of their body. Man it's the only one we have for now. Why don't people heed the holistic information out there in preventative care? Why do we continue to look the other way and not honor our body's requests.

One of my theories is that we are as a society addicted to the medical model of taking care of our body. Addicted to the co-pays, addicted to the almighty doctor who is fed information through a funnel that only treats the symptoms.

I believe my theory is in a large way true. Just on my way to the airport a young man driving the shuttle was verbalizing his frustration over the way medicine treats you. For example not educating the patients on the side effects of medicine. In his case he was suffering from constipation. The doctor gave him some fiber...not a bad joice. One mistake...didn't tell him to increase his water intake. Result more constipation more pain.

Is that the word to describe it all...constipated minds?

Share your thoughts...because what you say is important.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Life goes on..

because a precious woman cares. I received an incredible gift today. It was a gift from a woman I never met before except over the phone. She holds teleclasses on
In case you don't know about this's a place to get educated with open minded people of the world. Check it out my friends and readers. I had sponsored Arvee Robinson in the National Lymphoma Society's LA Marathon and currently do for her future runs. Arvee Robinson is an internationally known speaker.
Need some help speaking? . Awesome presentation. She gives her heart and thrill for speaking in such a duplicateable way. She spoke at a free event sponsored by the CEO of University of Masters, Pamela Harper this weekend.

The gift she gave me....the joy of having my father's name on the back of her shirt. My dad passed almost three years to the day from non-Hodgekin's lymphoma. He was a brave man who fought the disease for years over expectancy. Well he lives in my heart still of course, and now he is honored on a shirt of a woman who carries on the memory of life and the fight for life of those affected, her brother, and my dad. Life is good with the great company you keep. Run, Arvee, run with the power of love my dad and your brother has. Thanks for keeping my father's memory in your passion.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Learning from the Masters

Out in CA traveled from PA just to be around the most loving, forward thinking people on the planet. My good friends at University of Masters and Jerry Hart from Hart Creative Marketing just loaded me up with some information to explode my business to the universe.

This blogging deal is a step by step process. Where in the universe have I been to wait this long to start it. Well, I am ready and the teachers are here.

What does this have to do with Wellness? Are you open to step over the chasm like Harrison Ford in his movie Raiders of the Lost Ark? When there wasn't any possible place to put a foot except thin air, he takes the step of courage to find that a rope bridge appears for him to safely cross and get the Holy Grail.

The state of your spiritual and mental wellness will determine whether or not you will choose taking that step into a journey to deepen and prosper your life. Having the feeling of being a rut just a few years ago I started taking baby steps. Chris Gardner stated.."Baby Steps Count too" in his book "The Pursuit of HappYness". Then a year down the road I met the right people to be able to take quantum leaps into an incredible world of peace and health in my life. Wow..I did it. I did it because I found I had lots of help from the seen and unseen world.

Now, I'm learning how to give ME over the internet. I said Yes. You know, Yes is a powerful word. Have you tried it to create more in your world? How did it work for you?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jewels....In Your Life

Every person you meet and have a relationship with is a jewel.

I just spent an hour with the infamous Jerry Hart, Alice andMark.p They are precious jewels that sparkle in the universe of love and peace we all are creating.

Take a moment folks. Look at the person sitting next to you or laying in your bed sleeping while you read this. Notice their sparkle. What is their unique quality. Did you find it? Can I give you some cybershades to lesson the glare?

Creating the life you desire with every beat of your heart comes about by being conscious in the moment you are in with the wonderful people that surround you.

I love jewelry, especially rings. A ring surrounds your specially created finger with a purpose. It hugs you, it sparkles light into your eyes.

Hey...that sounds like you....Thanks for sparkling my world with love and friends.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Tis the Season...

for fall refreshing!

There are different points of the year for renewing our daily lives, and September lends itself as one of the months. With the celebration of the children returning to school and the new season of fall, we all seem to get in a new groove of activity.

Today I spent the official last day of summer vacation at a horse show. I love to watch the beauty of a horse doing all that the rider directs it to do with just a little touch of pressure. It's amazing to see the physique of a horse in perfect sync with the rider accomplishing all that it must do to finish the event. It all happens with the relationship between the horse and rider.

Thinking then about my daily life as a Mother, Wellness Coach/Mentor, R.N., a Friend to others that same type of rhythm occurs for the richness and beauty of life to just explode. I don't know if I'm the horse or rider sometimes but it is all fun. It's fun because of a decision I've made not to do anything I really don't want to do. Life synchronizes itself around the relationships built on a daily basis

Try doing that for a week. Only do what you really love to do. How does it feel? For me, it feels like I'm getting great big hugs from people all around me and they don't even know it. Your relationships will grow richer too.

So in bringing wellness into your life, may I suggest that as a practice of loving only what you love to do. I bet you'll be smiling!

Monday, August 27, 2007


for the health you have and can create. Part of the Holistic model of health is that we must become a committed, active partner in the healing process.

So what do you do when the doctor's not around. Go and buy out the pharmacy of anti-inflammatories and creams? Dennis Jaffe, PhD has some wonderful suggestions on "SEVEN THINGS TO DO WHEN THE DOCTOR's NOT AROUND." Today I'll list them. In the coming days we'll discuss them. I invite you to chime in and give us all your experiences or thoughts.

1. Inform yourself.

2. Make your body receptive to healing.

3. Listen to your body.

4. Visualize yourself healthy.

5. Face up to psychological stresses.

6. Work on your personal relationships.

7. Create your future.

Take a moment now....did you give yourself a hug today? If not...wrap your arms around yourself and say "I love you". Do it again for me.

Take charge...Love and Forgive yourself.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Giving back..........

today what was given to me.

Living life to give to others like you were given to at particular points in your life gives a deep connection to human kind. It certainly gives a sparkle to your purpose.

This weekend I spent the time helping a friend move. The only friend of mine that was interested in helping me move into a home almost a year ago. During that time of my life I was finishing settling my parents estate as both of them had died the previous year. Emotionally it felt soooooo good to have someone care for me.

This friend helped me clean the toilets, the cupboards that we found mice stuff in. A true friend only does that type of work for you. We had fun, we laughed at the enormous job I had before me. Then the magic occured...the job became smaller and manageable.

Now, my special friend is in a crunch situation. Settling a house for herself and needing help in a move. What a privilege it was. I was overcome by gratitude to the fulfillment of my desire to give back to her the love and concern to her highest good at this time in her life.

My heart was warmed, my joy bubbled within. My soul was fulfilled this weekend.

In turn...look around you everyday for those moments to bathe your soul with gratitude. Give to those that cross your path a precious part of you that only you can give. I guarantee that your entire body will love you for it.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I was struck by lightning.

There wasn't a drop of rain or a dark cloud in the sky. The clock struck 8pm est and a flash of light and energy came in the form of Jerry Hart. Over the phone in his teleconference from University of Masters, one has to be willing to stand in a field of dreams for the Master of Marketing to ignite your business mind. Well, because I hold nothing back to grow my purpose in life I take the challenge.

Jerry's energy can cause ants to march across his desk in search of their purpose. This man has the answers. Ever have questions you never thought you had until someone gave you the answers? This man will bring your heart and soul to surface and then.....he will ask you to hold onto it and blast it all over the world?

Me...blast my purpose all over the world? Everyone can see me?
Everyone can hear me? Everyone can touch my heart and I touch theirs? WOW. I just learned I am in touch with the Universe!

Connection....don't know the meaning? Just call Jerry.

Thanks to you, Jerry, the world is my friend. They know it and so do I.

As a trauma nurse I have seen what one looks like when they are struck by lightning. It's not pretty. It doesn't feel good. One doesn't have the energy to do much of anything.

As a mother, I was running one day with my little one to the car in a huge rain storm. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck the tin can minivan we were running to and bounced to hit the ground between the six inches between my feet. I felt very lucky.

Today, I had a lightning bolt strike the six inches between my ears. In contrast, I have the knowledge, energy, vitality to take on the universe. I feel lucky. To your credit, Jerry, because of your lightning strike.