Monday, August 27, 2007


for the health you have and can create. Part of the Holistic model of health is that we must become a committed, active partner in the healing process.

So what do you do when the doctor's not around. Go and buy out the pharmacy of anti-inflammatories and creams? Dennis Jaffe, PhD has some wonderful suggestions on "SEVEN THINGS TO DO WHEN THE DOCTOR's NOT AROUND." Today I'll list them. In the coming days we'll discuss them. I invite you to chime in and give us all your experiences or thoughts.

1. Inform yourself.

2. Make your body receptive to healing.

3. Listen to your body.

4. Visualize yourself healthy.

5. Face up to psychological stresses.

6. Work on your personal relationships.

7. Create your future.

Take a moment now....did you give yourself a hug today? If not...wrap your arms around yourself and say "I love you". Do it again for me.

Take charge...Love and Forgive yourself.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Giving back..........

today what was given to me.

Living life to give to others like you were given to at particular points in your life gives a deep connection to human kind. It certainly gives a sparkle to your purpose.

This weekend I spent the time helping a friend move. The only friend of mine that was interested in helping me move into a home almost a year ago. During that time of my life I was finishing settling my parents estate as both of them had died the previous year. Emotionally it felt soooooo good to have someone care for me.

This friend helped me clean the toilets, the cupboards that we found mice stuff in. A true friend only does that type of work for you. We had fun, we laughed at the enormous job I had before me. Then the magic occured...the job became smaller and manageable.

Now, my special friend is in a crunch situation. Settling a house for herself and needing help in a move. What a privilege it was. I was overcome by gratitude to the fulfillment of my desire to give back to her the love and concern to her highest good at this time in her life.

My heart was warmed, my joy bubbled within. My soul was fulfilled this weekend.

In turn...look around you everyday for those moments to bathe your soul with gratitude. Give to those that cross your path a precious part of you that only you can give. I guarantee that your entire body will love you for it.