Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Gold Nugget for the New Year

All my pathways to prosperity will gift me to gift others as I trust and allow it to be. The feeling of the gift to receive and the gift to give energizes the soul to cross over to success.

Monday, January 14, 2008


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H2O day! One of the easiest ways to create health. The average adult body is approximately 80% water. Want to look younger? Drink water. Want to loose weight? Drink water. Want to clear your mind? Drink water. Fortunately we don't have to replace everyday the 40 liters of water that we consist of. We only need to drink approximately 2 liters. We can thank our body's amazing conservation and recycling system for that, i.e. blood plasma. So grab your favorite glass and drink to your health. Keeping fluid in your body helps you to keep fluid and flexible in all aspects of your life. Your brain, by the way, does contain a lot of water. What a good thinker you are!